Photo by Bryan Stone
A little after noon yesterday we headed to the Hike and Bike Trail at Lake Waco. We thought a little picnic and walk would be nice on such a sunny day. The lake is up quite a bit. From the dam we can see that half the pavilions at Airport Park are under water. All gates were open. The roar of the water released was evident from the parking area. The wind was up, too much for small songbirds to be out. However, the raptors were prevalent. Two Ospreys were hunting the area, one below the gates and one above the dam. Other birds spotted include three Turkey Vultures, half a dozen American Crows. Additionally, a Northern Harrier was sighted near the tree line in the field below the dam. One hawk gave us a little trouble identifying it. However, I can confidently say that it was a Fuertes’ Red Tail. It flew just over the dam where the gates are and headed toward the Airport end of the trail, proving us with a long and very good look.
Labels: Harriers, Osprey, Red Tail Hawk, Vutures