Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Morning Greeter

Three Mississippi Kites greeted us this Sunday morning.  They perched atop one of the pines on the front of the property.  Of course, all took to flight when we disturbed them.  Yet, one returned and afforded us some great viewing and a photograph. 

These raptors have fascinated me since my college days.  They seem to give two looks at once: a bandit with penetrating red eyes and also a benign countenance.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

State of the Bastrop State Park

Our recent visits to the Bastrop State Park have brought hope and smiles to our faces.  The area around the little lake and cabins is still magnificent.  The lake is more full than it has been in at least two years.  The cabins have been renovated and are being occupied.

Birds are evident.  This Little Green Heron was spotted feeding on the northern edge of the lake.

The trails are being reworked as well.  A walk in the park still is a worthwhile activity.  True enough, many areas look quite different.  Yet, it will be exciting to see how the trails change character over the next few years as new growth occurs.  One notes the Bracken Fern have recovered nicely.  Beauty Berry plants with their purple berries are more than just abundant.

And calling in the trees are many forest related birds.  Even the iconic resident, the Pileated Woodpecker, is present.  In fact, this author spotted five individuals on his walk.

It still will be a long road to complete recovery, but there is abundant evidence for hope.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The New Vortex Razor HD Binocular

My father used to say, “You did well today; keep up the good work.”  On certain days it made me smile.  On other days it made me say, “What?”  One day it felt like a compliment; the next an admonishment.  It took me a while to realize it could be both simultaneously.  No matter how well one does, always seek to improve.

So it is with the new Vortex Razor HD binocular.  It was very good, but it just got better.  The 2012 version is now available.  With new glass, new types of lenses, new coatings applied with new technology, and phase correction, the Razor HD has a superior apochromatic optical system.  It is strong, lightweight and delivers bright clear images.  It possesses an open hinge design.  The chassis is lightweight, strong magnesium and is rubber coated for durability and a firm grip.

This is impressive innovation and well worth your investigation.