Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ring Necked Pochard

Pochard is such a seldom used term that even my spellcheck did not recognize it.  Clearly one can see this is a Ring Necked Duck.
Pochard refers to diving ducks particularly of the genus Aythya.  These species typically have legs set far back and far apart.  They are very awkward on land but good swimmers.  So you are not likely to find them on land.  They need a running start on water when taking off.

Ring Necked Ducks have heavy bodies and a funny shaped head—peaked or notched.  The male has been described as looking similar to a Scaup but with a black back.  The ring around the neck is an elusive field mark blending well with the neck.  The most discernable mark is a white blaze up the side of the breast.  The female is quite brown but shows a similarly marked bill—a white ring near the tip.  The female also shows an eye ring which the male lacks.

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Patient Fisherman

Long on patience, the Great Blue Heron stands ready to strike.  First of all, I envy the patience these creatures possess.  If I were to stand as still as they for as long as they, I would be so stiff that nothing would be the catch of the day.  When these herons decide the quarry is within their long necked reach, lightning fast they are.  There is a gracefulness to the movements of this bird which can stand as tall as four feet and has a wingspan of 72 inches.  Hard not to notice something like that.


Almost everyone knows of these birds.  Young, old, novice, and expert—doesn’t matter.  These birds are so common and so widely distributed that so many have seen one.  But few know there is a white phase.  The Great White Heron can fool many a birder.  The definitive field mark is the legs.  The Great White Heron has pale yellow legs, while the Great Egret has dark black legs.  So, look carefully.

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Monday, November 4, 2013

A Diamond Adventure

Vortex 8x42 Diamondback

Setting off for the Rio Grande Valley or for the islands and bays of the Great Lakes in search of some of the best nature observation and birding the country has to offer?  Or staying by the fire at home watching the feeders and watering devices in your own backyard?  Certainly will get some grand and clear observations with the best performing Diamondbacks.  Learn More.


Also available in 10x.


Visit us at for quality binoculars, spotting scopes, bird feeders, bird houses, field guides, and gear.

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