Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Poised in Grace, Purposeful in Survival

Photo by Bryan Stone

There are several nesting pairs of Mississippi Kites in the Woodway area near Waco. I first encountered these benevolent looking raptors in Lawton, OK and have been fascinated by them ever since. John Strecker, for whom the Strecker Museum at Baylor University is named, studied these birds extensively. Their big red eyes, pointed wings, and seemingly effortless flight are characteristic. These birds capture insects in flight and the prey is often eaten while soaring. Mississippi Kites are gregarious. They will sometimes nest in small colonies and hunt in flocks of many pairs.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Eastern Bluebirds & The Pecan Grove

I find myself often roaming the Pecan Grove near the Soccer Fields below Lake Waco Dam in Central Texas. This is prime habitat for Eastern Bluebirds. The old grove of pecans provides abundant nesting cavities. Because of its juxtaposition to the open fields and the adjacent spillway for the water flowing from the impounded lake, this is one of the best birding places within the area. Eastern Bluebirds are species of “the edge effect”. They enjoy and utilize to great success places where forest adjoins field.

Often sighted in the vicinity are Downy and Red Bellied Woodpeckers, Great Crested Flycatchers, Carolina Chickadees, Tufted Titmice. Overhead Great Blue Heron, Great Egrets, and Double Crested Cormorants fly crossing from the river to the lake and back. Raptors and Vultures are sometimes gliding across the fields high above. In the spring and summer, one is treated to some wonderful acrobatics of low and fast flying Barn Swallows. In winter, Brown Creepers forage in the grove, and overhead you can spy ducks and geese. An hour or two any morning spent at this locale is well worth the time.

Photo by Bill Ravenscroft

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Morning Glory

One of the finest things in life is being outside on a cool summer morning. As I watered the flowers, I watch Red Bellies and Downies visit the peanut feeders and a Ruby Throat visit the hummingbird feeder. Listening and watching the Carolina Chickadees and House Finches feed at the sunflowers added to the beginning of a great day.

Photo by Bill Ravenscroft

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