Eastern Bluebirds & The Pecan Grove

Often sighted in the vicinity are Downy and Red Bellied Woodpeckers, Great Crested Flycatchers, Carolina Chickadees, Tufted Titmice. Overhead Great Blue Heron, Great Egrets, and Double Crested Cormorants fly crossing from the river to the lake and back. Raptors and Vultures are sometimes gliding across the fields high above. In the spring and summer, one is treated to some wonderful acrobatics of low and fast flying Barn Swallows. In winter, Brown Creepers forage in the grove, and overhead you can spy ducks and geese. An hour or two any morning spent at this locale is well worth the time.
Photo by Bill Ravenscroft
Labels: Central Texas, Eastern Bluebirds, Lake Waco, Old Grove Pecans
Would love to see all the birds you see. I enjoy building Eastern Bluebird Houses. You can see them at
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