Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Excellent Choice

Colfax 25 L
Another excellent choice for a daypack, the Colfax 25 L.  Check it out  by visiting

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Adding Color to the Story

A torrentail rain fell last nigh around 3 AM.  That is cause enough for celebration around here.  The new pine seedlings and all the other trees we've recently planted are so much the better because of it.  Yet, in this morning's light was another cause for celebration.  It is so good to get to see the American Goldfinches in full regalia.  Often in the Lost Pines area we only see them in winter drab.  This year is proving exceptional.

Also, it would seem time for Pine Siskins to be moving on, but they linger.  So, the cousins are captured together in this photograph.

Not a bad way to begin the spring.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

A Day Outdoors

A day outdoors brings a smile to my face.  But let’s face it: a day outdoors is not the same as a two hour walk in the woods.  It takes a bit more preparation and requires some gear.  A two hour walk in the woods you can prep for with hardly any thinking and requires maybe a bottle of water and little else.

A day in the woods, well… have a seat and let’s think this through.  First, are you going somewhere you’ve been before?  You know it’s a thought.  You’re already remembering sometime in the past when you were traversing that gentle slope; the breeze was calm and the sun was just right in the sky.  And you looked down the slope and saw your first White-headed Woodpecker.  That’d be a good day again.

Red  Rock 25
 If it’s to be somewhere new, that’ll be just fine, as well.  However, a little more preparation is required.  You’ve heard of this new (to you) place from your friends or you’ve read about it on the blogs.  Perhaps, it’s that fact that there is a particular bird, such as the Golden Cheeked Warbler, found breeding in only that area.  Maybe its geology makes it good hiking and exploring.  Maybe the land has an interesting history having been farmed by a very tough pioneer.  So you start the list.  Going to do some birding; need binoculars and field guide. Might need a camera, too.  Going to be sunny; need to get the sunscreen and hat.  Going to be hiking; get the hiking boots out. It’s spring; better get the bug spray out.  Oh, going to be out all day; need to pack a lunch and carry plenty of water.  Take the compass and get a map; don’t be so cavalier.  Grab a length of rope; you never know, it might come in handy.  Pack the travel first aid kit.  Be prepared, scout.  Pack it all in your day pack, a Mountainsmith Red Rock 25.  You got it for this coming day.    You got it because, with all its compartments, you would be able to organize all this and keep it so. You got it because Mountainsmith is doing its part to be eco-friendly by recycling plastic water bottles, turning them it to a durable cloth like material, and making day packs, lumbar pack and all kind of gear.  Okay, you got it because it’s affordable, too.

Are you gone yet?  Okay, see you when you get back. Or…I’ll just go with you.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Favorite

A year and five months has transpired since the Bastrop Complex Fire.  With the fire came so much destruction of the environment and personal property.  In case you think this a lament, it’s not.  It’s a celebration.  One of the signature birds of the Lost Pines region of Texas is the Pine Warbler.  One might think that the loss of so many pines in the fire would also have cause the Pine Warbler to disappear.  Wonders of wonders, it’s here.    It’s found in the surviving pines and in the burned area.  It’s even coming to feeders, and the photograph above of this male Pine Warbler on the peanut feeder is proof enough.


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