Friday, December 21, 2012

Granger Lake Trip

Four members of the Bastrop County Auddubon Society braved high winds on last  Wednesday to travel to Granger Lake in hopes of seeing some Whooping Cranes.  Two Whoopers were spotted off Friendship Park.  A list of species sighted is included.  The Red Tail hawk pictured was found on the north side of the dam.

American Wigeo
Green-winged Teal
Northern Shoveler
Lesser Scaup
American Coot
Cormorant, sp.
Herring Gull
Tern, sp.
Red-tailed Hawk
Zone-tailed Hawk
Crested Caracara
Northern Harrier (4, at least 2 males)
Turkey Vulture
Black Vulture
American Kestrel
Whooping Crane (2)
Greater Yellowlegs
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Northern Mockingbird
Loggerhead Shrike
European Starling
Red-winged Blackbird
Meadowlark, Eastern
Great-tailed Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Northern Cardinal
Sparrow, sp.


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Monday, December 17, 2012

Colors of the Season

To all,
All the Colors of the Season.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Wisdom of Owls

A group of BCAS members were on a field trip to Granger Lake in late November of this year with the objectives of finding Mountain Plovers or perhaps some Whooping Cranes.  Neither species were found on that day.  However, we stopped for a brief chat with a man out birding, too.  He told of a Burrowing Owl that could be found a little farther up the road.  He changed what we were looking for; his eyes, his directions, our benefit.

Wise as an owl, the old saying goes.  I’ve known some very astute people in my time.  Yet, are they as smart as owls, or smarter than?  Whoo knows?  (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)  Even more curious is the origin of such phrases.  For example, what might have been the origin for what is known as a gathering of owls—a parliament of owls?  One suggestion is that in Merrie Olde England, gentlemen were expected to be able to name a group of any animal they might encounter on a hunt, ergo, a gaggle of geese, a pack of wolves, a knot of toads and a parliament of owls.  But, why a parliament?  For that matter, I’ve not ever seen a group of owls.  I’ve witness a murder of crows harassing an owl.  There are families of owls.  Is that what is meant?  It is obvious I do not possess the wisdom of owls, for I do not know.

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Vortex Crossfire Sale

Vortex Crossfire Binocular Sale

A good thing—a very good thing—The Crossfire Binoculars…a great performing general purpose, multi-use binocular is now on sale.


8x42 Sale Price: $119.99

10x42 Sale Price: $129.99


Visit us at for quality binoculars, spotting scopes, bird feeders, bird houses, field guides, and gear.

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