Friday, June 18, 2010

Don’t forget the Binoculars

There’s a world to see out there. If you are one who desires to and can travel, more power to you. There is great preparation and planning to be done with every trip. We all want to begin confident that any and all in the party gets to the destination and have what is required for a trip with minimum trouble. To be sure, there are always glitches to contend with, but a good deal of thought and planning takes care of most needs.

It is good to make a list and check it often. Most lists include a passport, camera, cash or its equivalent, clothing and the like. Often, the item not on the list is a good pair of binoculars. However, this writer would suggest you consider adding this item.

Let me share a story about a couple who rather serendipitously received a gift of a trip to Costa Rica. The trip did not necessarily include any planned nature or birding activities. However, this couple made a smart move—they decided to go prepared, just in case. After some research, she bought a Vortex Fury, and he, the Vortex Diamondback. And how did they make use of these on their trip! There were several occasions when this couple became the envy of the group as they were often sharing their binoculars with others.

Even after this big trip, they continue to carry their binoculars wherever they go. On a short trip to the Texas coast, they were able to easily bird the area marveling at the Roseated Spoonbills, Sandhill Cranes, Great Blue Herons and the like. Even then, there were a few who asked what they were seeing through their binoculars and asking “how do you know all the bird’s identity?”

Plan carefully, travel, take advantage of every opportunity, and—don’t forget the binoculars.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Going to Carolina in my......Backyard

This female Carolina Wren entertained us a couple of days as she would visit our flower pots to remove some mulching moss to further her nest building. She would even investigate the garage if we left the door open.

This pose lasted for quite some time as there were a couple of males in the adjacent tree.

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Red Bellied Woodpecker—You Can Really See That!

Many people still try to make this species into something it is not. They try often to tell me they have seen a Red Headed Woodpecker. When I identify it as a Red Bellied Woodpecker, they are incredulous and skeptical. I have to explain that this one’s head is not truly red but a little orange and the neck is white or buff. The true Red Headed Woodpecker, I say, has cherry red from its neck to the top of its head and is 360.

This doesn’t often satisfy the skeptic. I further explain that the observer doesn’t always see its belly. However, this one posed in such a way as to facilitate the sighting of its red belly. You can really see it.

But when I travel I still get a thrill out of fixing my binoculars on a Red Headed

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