Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wildflowers Along the Colorado River

A sure sign of spring in Texas is the appearance of wildflowers. These Bluebonnets were newly gracing the hill near where I would join the trail along the river. The next two flowers were farther down the trail.

The one above is Baby Blue Eyes. The one below is Spiderwort.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Colorado River Refuge

Anyone who has recently moved to a new town knows the joys or frustration of looking for new birding spots. It is a pleasure to have found a very short distance from my new home a set of trails and a nature refuge. The refuge is the joint work of the Lower Colorado River Authority, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Bastrop County Water Control and Improvement District #2. Other entities have contributed to the development of the refuge. This is a 60 acre plot adjacent to the Lost Pines Nature Trails, which is another 30 acres. Together these provide for some wonderful hiking and birding experiences.

The area consists of old growth riparian forest. Having visited only a few times, the birds observed have been Yellow Rumped Warblers, Carolina Chickadees, Northern Cardinals, Red Bellied Woodpeckers, Lincoln Sparrows, Turkey and Black Vultures, Red Shouldered Hawk, and Tufted Titmouse. Lincoln Sparrows are quite numerous at this time. There is more to see, no doubt. This spring, much time will be spent hiking the refuge.

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