Thanksgiving at Daingerfield State Park
November 25-27, 2009
We decided to spend this Thanksgiving in the woods, camping at Daingerfield State Park (Texas). We took the canoe since there is a very nice lake there. We fished a little with worms, but mostly fought the wind. No fish, but the birding was better. Days were sunny and mild (mid 60’s); the nights were cold (mid 30’s).
Broadwing Hawks
Turkey Vultures
American Robin
Yellow Rumped Warbler
Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Northern Junco
Carolina Wren (h)
Carolina Chickadee
Nuthatch sp.
Tufted Titmouse
American Coots
Great Blue Heron
Great Egrets
Double Crested Cormorants
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
Northern “Yellow Shafted” Flicker
Golden Crowned Kinglet
Yellow Warbler
Eastern Bluebird
Black and White Warbler
Blue Headed Vireo
Blue Jay
Pine Warbler
Eastern Phoebe (h)
White Throated Sparrow
American Crow
Labels: birding, Daingerfield State Park, Texas