Monday, March 16, 2009

Great Sale on Stokes DLS Binocular

The 8 x 42 Stokes DLS Binocular, made by Vortex Optics, is on sale at a wonderful special price. The Stokes DLS was designed by and for birders. (DLS stands for Don and Lillian Stokes—recognized names in the birding community.) Utilizing the Stokes’ exacting criteria, Vortex Optics manufactured the DLS using state-of-the-art technology. Vortex Optics is considered to be a premier manufacturer of quality optical instruments for outdoor use.

Special features of the DLS include excellent resolution and reliable color. Thus, these features are extremely helpful when viewing Pine Siskins grouped with goldfinches, with which they are known to flock during migration. Another feature is they work well in twilight conditions. We birders get out early in the morning and late in the evening. We know that not being able to view and identify our subject because to poor optics is severely disappointing. With the DLS one does not have this worry. The DLS possess an excellent ergonomic design and are relatively lightweight for long periods of birding. The versatility of focus is superb from up close to long range.

At $499.99, the Stokes 8 x 42 DLS Binocular is a great bargain for the outdoor enthusiast.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


One year ago today began this blog. It is time to celebrate! And to help do just that here are a couple of pictures of Western Kingbirds, the logo bird, from Bryan Stone.

My thanks to all who have contributed to this blog and to all who have visited. My hope is that you will continue to enjoy the posts. Happy Birding!

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