Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What's Next?

Often, I am asked what my favorite bird is.  Like most experienced birders, I have a hard time answering that inquiry.  Sometimes, I would launch into a “the one that got away” story, much like an old fisherman would.  However, I find myself now thinking more about how to find and obtain a quality sighting of some bird I haven’t seen.

So, here it is.  What’s the next bird I want to see and add to my life list? Answer: the Cerulean Warbler.  The problem is this warbler is not abundant.  In fact it is listed as rare or, at best, uncommon on most checklists.  And since I live where I do, I have to rely on the vagaries of migration.  I peruse the rare bird alerts and listservs always hoping for a chance.  Then, it is scheduling and work that have to be “accommodated”.  Anyway, someday, someday…

 Well, I’m also interested in what might be next on your list.  It might be fun to share such.  Let me know, if you like.

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