What's Next?
Often, I am
asked what my favorite bird is. Like
most experienced birders, I have a hard time answering that inquiry. Sometimes, I would launch into a “the one
that got away” story, much like an old fisherman would. However, I find myself now thinking more
about how to find and obtain a quality sighting of some bird I haven’t seen.
So, here it
is. What’s the next bird I want to see
and add to my life list? Answer: the Cerulean Warbler. The problem is this warbler is not abundant. In fact it is listed as rare or, at best,
uncommon on most checklists. And since I
live where I do, I have to rely on the vagaries of migration. I peruse the rare bird alerts and listservs
always hoping for a chance. Then, it is
scheduling and work that have to be “accommodated”. Anyway, someday, someday…
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