The Pine Warblers seem to be increasing in numbers and frequency in Central Texas. Many are saying it was about three years ago that this species began to show around Lake Waco. Today many local birders are reporting them. A small group of birders went to the Pecan Grove and Soccer Fields last month and were delighted by the sighting of several of these as they hopped along the ground and flew to low lying branches in the grove. Their yellow neck and breasts made sharp contrasts to the blue backs and orange fronts of the Eastern Bluebirds which inhabit this area. Still, others are reporting Pine Warblers at their feeders and bird baths. In fact, this writer has notice far fewer Yellow-rumped Warblers this year and wonders if the Pines are not the cause.

Photographs by Bill Ravenscroft
Labels: Central Texas, Eastern Bluebirds, Lake Waco, Pine Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler
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