One More for the Birders

Birders are constantly looking for any advantage to assist in identification and increase the pleasure of their field experience. Every birder knows that the conditions of weather and light can make decisions difficult. Every birder knows that sometimes it is the briefest of looks that the bird affords. Every birder wants to go into the field with as good a binocular as possible.
The 8 x 42 Fury Binocular is just the binocular to fit the bill. In fact, this new line of Vortex binoculars sets a very good standard. Wayne Mones writes in his review on, “Vortex really got everything right with this new line of binoculars”. He goes on to say that he loves the 8 x 42 and thinks they are a best buy.
The Fury binoculars are part of the new generation binoculars the use argon gas in the purging process to water and fog proof. Argon has several advantages over nitrogen. Being a member of the Noble Gases, argon is inert. Consequently, it won’t attack the o-rings that help seal the binoculars extending the life of the unit.
Images produced by Fury are of superior quality. The colors produced are natural: the contrast is excellent. One would think that he is looking through a very expensive binocular to get this wonderful an image. Not So! The entire line is modestly priced.
The focus wheel is large and placed well. One and a quarter turns allows quick focus, important for identifying darting little birds. The field of view on the 8 x 42 Fury is quite large at 358 feet at 1000 yards. This important aspect facilitates finding a bird with ease but also allows for a good bit of the landscape to be searched at any given time. For those of us who wear eyeglasses the eye relief is excellent at 20 mm. One can hardly beat that.
This is another model that will allow the birder to enjoy many an adventure in the field.
The 8 x 42 Fury Binocular is just the binocular to fit the bill. In fact, this new line of Vortex binoculars sets a very good standard. Wayne Mones writes in his review on, “Vortex really got everything right with this new line of binoculars”. He goes on to say that he loves the 8 x 42 and thinks they are a best buy.
The Fury binoculars are part of the new generation binoculars the use argon gas in the purging process to water and fog proof. Argon has several advantages over nitrogen. Being a member of the Noble Gases, argon is inert. Consequently, it won’t attack the o-rings that help seal the binoculars extending the life of the unit.
Images produced by Fury are of superior quality. The colors produced are natural: the contrast is excellent. One would think that he is looking through a very expensive binocular to get this wonderful an image. Not So! The entire line is modestly priced.
The focus wheel is large and placed well. One and a quarter turns allows quick focus, important for identifying darting little birds. The field of view on the 8 x 42 Fury is quite large at 358 feet at 1000 yards. This important aspect facilitates finding a bird with ease but also allows for a good bit of the landscape to be searched at any given time. For those of us who wear eyeglasses the eye relief is excellent at 20 mm. One can hardly beat that.
This is another model that will allow the birder to enjoy many an adventure in the field.
Labels: Binoculars, birding, Fury
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